Sunday, June 29, 2008


To those people who are playing 23 Things... you might see a few comments from me on your blog over the next few weeks.

I'm enjoying reading your "a-ha" moments on your blogs, and I would love to offer thoughts and words of encouragement, as I completed 23 Things in March. I have definitely been where you are, frustrations and all.

Good Luck, and Happy Playing!



LauraAnn said...

Good afternoon, Head Squirrel, I read your comments on another blog and just had to click on over and thank you for encouraging elaboration among the players.

I didn't realize the value of commenting at first, but now that I am up to thing 18 I would really appreciate the feedback of other bloggers!

skippyjohn jones said...

I would love to host an after school meeting for those who would like to refresh or discuss face to face our experience. I am trying the blog-thing but sometimes face to face is good. Any thought?